2nd Grade

Welcome to 2nd Grade Music Class!

In 2nd Grade we will concentrate on learning basic music skills including:
-keeping a steady beat
-playing and creating rhythms
-singing songs with a good sound
-singing songs on the correct pitch
-how to take care of and play the music instruments
-creative moving to different styles of music
-reading and writing music
-creating music
-folk dances
-listening to and describing music from around the world
-listening to and exploring music of great composers
-and much more

"Kye Kye Kule"

Kye Kye Kule  (Chay Chay Coo Lay)
Kye Kye Kofinsa (Chay Chay Ko Feen Sah)
Kofinsa Langa (Ko Feen Sah Lahn Gah)
Kaka Shi Langa (Ka Ka Shee Lahn Gah)
Kum adende (Koom Ah Dehn Day)
Kum Adende Hey!

"Charlie Over the Ocean"

Charlie Over the Ocean
Charlie Over the Sea
Charlie Caught a Fish
But He Can't Catch Me